Big Bad Ensemble: Both Joseph Bertrand III and The Beast serve as the main antagonists of this game.
It's reversed when Kuo does a FaceHeel Turn out of fear and Nix does a Heel≯ace Turn looking for revenge.
Betty and Veronica: There are two possible female partners for Cole the sensible and down to earth ice-using Kuo or the wild fire-using Nix.
If provoked, they transform into giant bat monsters, being much harder to kill than the common vampire. Cole can distinguish them from humans with his vampire vision and can on-shot kill them while in this state.
Bat People: In the "Festival of Blood" DLC, the Blood Conduits are a vampire breed of Elite Mooks that can disguise themselves as regular humans.
Barefoot Poverty: Seems to afflict most of New Marais' pedestrians.
Bag of Spilling: Cole keeps the "alpha" versions of about half of his powers from the first game, but still has to absorb Blast Cores to get the other half back after blowing most of his reserves fighting the Beast.
Badass Boast: Cole delivers one when the Corrupted attack Bertand's Anti-Conduit rally, where he denounces Cole as the "Demon of Empire City," in front of the Saint Ignatius Church early on in the game.Ĭole: "Get out of my way.
Even then, it isn't until he saves Cole from a militia ambush later in the game that he is fully forgiven.
The Atoner: As mentioned above, Zeke wasn't Easily Forgiven for betraying Cole in the last game, and worked his ass off to atone what he did.
Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The Behemoth, a Giant Enemy Crab looking thing, and the Beast, a giant Magma Man.
Ascended Meme: Zeke's Honey Badger jacket.
It makes sense, the first game is in a grimy, half-dead city, the second is in a flooded, living one. For consistency's sake, the opening flashbacks, in Empire City, use the first game's art style, even when they're all-new.
Art Shift: 2 lost the gritty ink spatter effect ◊ from the first game for a more "watercolor" feel, like this.
The Apocalypse Brings Out the Best in People: In the final battle, The Militia, who have spent the game abusing their power and the people they're ostensibly protecting, are seen freely helping and encouraging Cole in his fight against The Beast in a Hero path.
And I Must Scream: The Beast tells you he spent an eternity being ripped apart by the Ray Sphere atom by atom, and even after putting himself back together he can still feel it tearing into him.
Ambiguous Situation: Both the "good" and the "evil" paths have reasonable justifications for going down them.
Alternative Foreign Theme Song: 2 uses "Ichioku Bun No Ichi No Shousetsu" by Uverworld as the theme song in Japan.
All There in the Manual: The interquel comic explains why Moya, a major character in the first game, is entirely missing from the second.
Action Bomb: There are monsters that run up to you and explode in a blast of acid.
However, Cole soon loses all these powers and spends a good part of the game getting them back.
A Taste of Power: The beginning has a fully powered Cole with infinite energy and Megawatt Hammer rockets as a default attack facing off against The Beast.